The Magic of eBPF


We're back with an exciting new episode of Cloud Native Compass, and this time we're diving deep into the captivating world of eBPF. Join Laura Santamaria, David Flanagan, and special guest Liz Rice as they unravel the mysteries and explore the incredible potential of this powerful technology!

In this episode, you will learn:

1. The two parts of eBPF: Discover the kernel program and the user space interaction that make up the magic of eBPF.
2. Programming with eBPF: Explore the different options for writing eBPF programs, from bytecode form to higher-level languages like Rust.
3. Compilers and SDKs: Learn which compilers, like clang GCC and the Rust compiler, support eBPF bytecode and how SDKs can make your interaction with eBPF programs easier.
4. The Evolution of Packet Filtering: Trace the history of packet filtering, from its humble beginnings to the powerful and versatile capabilities of eBPF.
5. The Widespread Adoption: Uncover the sudden rise in eBPF's popularity, its impact on observability and performance, and the role it plays in modern networking.
Now, for a fascinating fun fact from the episode: Did you know that eBPF is now considered Turing complete? That's right! With its combination of features, eBPF has surpassed its humble start as a packet filtering tool and has become a full-fledged technology powerhouse.

00:00 Introductions
01:46 What is eBPF?
06:45 The Rise of eBPF
09:40 Why is eBPF Interesting?
16:00 Who's using eBPF?
19:20 eBPF for Developers
24:00 Troubleshooting eBPF
27:11 Future of eBPF