Klustered Teams: DigitalOcean & Skyscanner


#Klustered Teams: DigitalOcean & Skyscanner
Kubernetes live debugging
ā­ļø This episode was sponsored by Teleport ā­ļø
We use Teleport every week on Klustered and we encourage you to try it out too. Check them out at https://rawkode.live/teleport

This episode is part of the Klustered series.
-- Klustered (Part I) - https://youtu.be/teB22ZuV_z8
-- Klustered (Part II) - https://youtu.be/JzGv36Pcq3g
-- Klustered (Part III) - https://youtu.be/Ps2CQm6_aZU
-- Klustered (Part IV) - https://youtu.be/Cp6zvBIo5KM
-- Klustered (Part V) - https://youtu.be/Ju1WmHfK6t8
-- Klustered (Part VI) - https://youtu.be/tmsqYWBTxEQ
-- Klustered (Part VII) - https://youtu.be/Pd90XGptVec
-- Klustered (Part VIII) - https://youtu.be/QFxJWPF-QDk
-- Klustered (Part VIII-II) - https://youtu.be/1f6KTDo5WEo
-- Klustered #9 - https://youtu.be/RGaUhqgrsXE
-- Klustered #10 - https://youtu.be/K72fOdbxXu8
-- Klustered #11 - https://youtu.be/ysfUgYs4YYY
-- Klustered: Newcomers #1 - https://youtu.be/H2227nrkhOg
-- Klustered #13 - https://youtu.be/akJCvD0ASmw
-- Klustered #14 - https://youtu.be/5Rw7_1Yvm0U
-- Klustered #15 - https://youtu.be/4lMxlQ64Z7I
-- Klustered Teams: Container Solutions & Civo Cloud - https://youtu.be/ozbE25Y_rcM
-- Klustered Teams: RedHat & Talos Systems - https://youtu.be/IWz1XJnOR_g
-- Klustered: Community vs. Rawkode - https://youtu.be/_BFbrrXKMOM
-- Klustered Teams: DigitalOcean & Skyscanner - This Video
-- Klustered Teams: Carta & Fairwinds - https://youtu.be/_GZ8UuEZxbY
-- Klustered: Community vs. Rawkode - https://youtu.be/_BFbrrXKMOM
-- Klustered #18 - https://youtu.be/z0Lf303tKtQ
-- Klustered #19 - https://youtu.be/-k5y2C6HNa0
-- Klustered Teams: Control Plane & Learnk8s - https://youtu.be/FClIbQ8hdxY

šŸæ Rawkode Live

Hosted by David McKay / šŸ¦ https://twitter.com/rawkode
Website: https://rawkode.live
Discord Chat: https://rawkode.live/chat


šŸ•° Timeline

00:00 - Holding screen
01:50 - Introductions
03:00 - Team Skyscanner
42:00 - Team DigitalOcean

šŸ‘„ About the Guests


Billie Cleek / Twitter: bhcleek / GitHub: bhcleek
Collin Shoop / GitHub: CollinShoop
Jeremy Morris / Twitter: MorrisLaw93 / GitHub: @MorrisLaw
Shahar Levy / GitHub: @Shahar

šŸ¦ https://twitter.com/digitalocean
šŸ§© https://github.com/digitalocean
šŸŒ https://digitalocean.com


Guy Templeton / Twitter: gjtempleton / GitHub: gjtempleton
Matteo Ruina / Twitter: ruio / GitHub: maruina
Alex Williams / Twitter: smirl/ GitHub: smirl

šŸ¦ https://twitter.com/skyscanner
šŸ§© https://github.com/skyscanner
šŸŒ https://skyscanner.com

šŸ”Ø About the Technologies