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Introduction to Timescale


In this episode, we'll be covering everything you need to know to get started with Timescale.

🍿 Rawkode Live

Hosted by David McKay / 🐦 https://twitter.com/rawkode
Website: https://rawkode.live
Discord Chat: https://rawkode.live/chat


πŸ•° Timeline

00:00 - Holding screen
00:50 - Introductions
02:35 - What is Timescale? (Slides)
13:30 - Launching a cloud Timescale instance with Forge
19:00 - Installing psql and pgAdmin4
24:30 - Enabling the Timescale extension
25:30 - Connecting to Timescale with psql
30:10 - Importing the New York taxi data
59:00 - Querying our data
1:13:40 - Advanced demo of geospatial time series data with Grafana

πŸ‘₯ About the Guests

Avthar Sewrathan

πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Born and raised in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
πŸ”­ 🧲 As a child, I loved science. I went on to represent South Africa at the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) and International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡· My life changed when I was 17: I moved across the world to live and learn with 150 other young, ambitious people from 70+ countries at United World College Costa Rica (UWC) without knowing a word of Spanish.
🐯 πŸŽ“ I studied Computer Science at Princeton UniversityΒ 
πŸ’» Current work: Developer Advocate at Timescale. I help developers be successful with time-series data for things like IoT, DevOps and Analytics.
πŸ” Previous work: From my college dorm room, I co-founded and built Afari a social network that gave people more privacy and ownership over their data. It was funded by a premier crypto fund.
πŸ”΄ Favorite football team: Manchester United
βŒβ­•οΈ Favorite musician: The Weeknd
🏝 Favorite country to visit: Thailand
πŸ˜‚ Favorite comedian: Trevor Noah
πŸ—½Current City: New York City

🐦 https://twitter.com/avthars
🧩 https://github.com/avthars
🌏 https://avthar.com/

πŸ”¨ About the Technologies


TimescaleDB is an open-source database designed to make SQL scalable for
time-series data. It is engineered up from PostgreSQL and packaged as a
PostgreSQL extension, providing automatic partitioning across time and space
(partitioning key), as well as full SQL support.

🌏 https://www.timescale.com/
🐦 https://twitter.com/timescaledb
🧩 https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb

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