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Introduction to Linkerd
Linkerd is a service mesh for Kubernetes. It makes running services easier and safer by giving you runtime debugging, observability, reliability, and security—all without requiring any changes to your code. Linkerd works by installing a set of ultralight, transparent proxies next to each service instance. These proxies automatically handle all traffic to and from the service. Because they're transparent, these proxies act as highly instrumented out-of-process network stacks, sending telemetry to, and receiving control signals from, the control plane. This design allows Linkerd to measure and manipulate traffic to and from your service without introducing excessive latency. In order to be as small, lightweight, and safe as possible, Linkerd's proxies are written in Rust and specialized for Linkerd.🕰 Timeline00:00 - Holding screen01:25 - Introductions03:10 - What is a service mesh?06:50 - What are we working with?07:30 - Installing Linkerd12:50 - Linkerd dashboard15:40 - Linkerd top18:10 - Deploying the demo app20:40 - Injecting the Linkerd sidecar24:15 - Stat command28:20 - Tap command31:30 - Fault injection / TrafficSplit / Canary Deploys40:50 - Time outs and retries49:20 - mTLS55:30 - Multi-cluster1:09:00 - Closing🌎 ResourcesLinkerd - https://linkerd.ioThomas Rampelberg - https://twitter.com/grampelberg