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Introduction to Dgraph
Special Guest: Xuanyi Chew (https://twitter.com/chewxy) Dgraph is a horizontally scalable and distributed GraphQL database with a graph backend. It provides ACID transactions, consistent replication and linearizable reads. It's built from ground up to perform for a rich set of queries. Being a native GraphQL database, it tightly controls how the data is arranged on disk to optimize for query performance and throughput, reducing disk seeks and network calls in a cluster. Dgraph's goal is to provide Google production level scale and throughput, with low enough latency to be serving real time user queries, over terabytes of structured data. Dgraph supports GraphQL query syntax, and responds in JSON and Protocol Buffers over GRPC and HTTP.š° Timeline00:00 - Holding screen01:40 - Introductions03:40 - Who is Xuanyi?05:30 - Why use a graph database?09:45 - Running Dgraph with Docker13:30 - Ratel - the Dgraph web interface18:40 - Writing our first records27:00 - Adding relationships33:00 - Adding type definitions48:40 - Slash GraphQL managed serviceš ResourcesXuanyi Chew - https://twitter.com/chewxyDgraph - https://dgraph.io