Hands-on with Daytona


Daytona is a radically simple open source development environment manager.

Setting up development environments has become increasingly challenging over time, especially when aiming to set up remotely, where the complexity increases by an order of magnitude. The process is so complex that we've compiled a comprehensive guide detailing all the necessary steps to set one up—spanning 5,000 words, 7 steps, and requiring anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes.

This complexity is unnecessary.

With Daytona, you need only to execute a single command: daytona create --code.

Daytona automates the entire process; provisioning the instance, interpreting and applying the configuration, setting up prebuilds, establishing a secure VPN connection, securely connecting your local or a Web IDE, and assigning a fully qualified domain name to the development environment for easy sharing and collaboration.

As a developer, you can immediately start focusing on what matters most—your code.