Hands-on Introduction to Skaffold
In this episode, Vic will guide us through everything we need to know to get started developing for #Kubernetes, locally, with Skaffold.šæ Rawkode LiveHosted by David McKay / š¦ https://twitter.com/rawkodeWebsite: https://rawkode.liveDiscord Chat: https://rawkode.live/chat#RawkodeLiveš° Timeline00:00 - Holding Screen00:50 - Introductions03:00 - WHat is Skaffold? (Slides)15:00 - Microservice Demo22:30 - TypeScript Demo31:30 - CloudNative BuildPacks Demo40:00 - Multiple Config Demo51:00 - Helm Demo53:00 - React Hot Reload Demo58:20 - Custom Command / Test Demo1:02:00 - Advanced Demo (Using it all together)š„ About the GuestsVic Iglesias Fun - Techno House Niners Syrah; Work - @googlecloud. DevEx PM. Argentinoš¦ https://twitter.com/vicnasteaš§© https://github.com/viglesiasceš https://testingclouds.wordpress.com/šØ About the TechnologiesSkaffoldFast. Repeatable. Simple. Local Kubernetes Development.Skaffold handles the workflow for building, pushing and deploying your application, allowing you to focus on what matters most: writing code. š https://skaffold.dev/š§© https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/skaffold#Skaffold