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Hands-on Introduction to Pixie


In this episode, we take a look at observability within Kubernetes with Pixie.

🍿 Rawkode Live

Hosted by David McKay / 🐦 https://twitter.com/rawkode
Website: https://rawkode.live
Discord Chat: https://rawkode.live/chat


🕰 Timeline

00:00 - Holding screen
00:51 - Introductions
02:50 - What is Pixie?
04:15 - How eBPF Powers Pixie
06:28 - CNCF Sandbox Project
09:13 - Deploying Pixie
17:18 - Running Scripts in the CLI & UI
21:59 - Pixie Stores Data on the Cluster
24:40 - Inspect a Script
28:44 - Flamegraph (Continuous Profiling)
32:27 - Protocols Traced by Pixie
35:35 - Network Flow Graph Script
39:56 - HTTP Data Script (Full Request & Response Body)
40:50 - Editing a Script: Filter HTTP Requests for Errors
49:08 - Using the Pixie API to Create Slack Alerts
59:01 - Data Source Tables
1:04:16 - Wrap Up

👥 About the Guests

Natalie Serrino

Natalie is a Principal Engineer and Tech Lead at New Relic. She works on the Pixie auto-telemetry observability platform, which was acquired and open sourced by New Relic. She focuses primarily on Pixie’s data layer, including its query language, compiler, and query execution engine.

🐦 https://twitter.com/nserrino
🧩 https://github.com/nserrino

🔨 About the Technologies


Pixie gives you instant visibility by giving access to metrics, events, traces and logs without changing code. Instantly troubleshoot your applications on Kubernetes. No instrumentation. Debug with scripts. All inside Kubernetes.

🌏 https://pixielabs.ai/
🐦 https://twitter.com/pixie_run
🧩 https://github.com/pixie-labs/pixie

#Observability #Monitoring #Logging #Kubernetes