Hands-on Introduction to Okteto
In this episode, we'll guide you through everything you need to get started developing on Kubernetes with Okteto.šæ Rawkode LiveHosted by David McKay / š¦ https://twitter.com/rawkodeWebsite: https://rawkode.liveDiscord Chat: https://rawkode.live/chat#RawkodeLiveš° Timeline00:00 - Holding Screen00:50 - Introductions07:40 - Okteto Cloud10:00 - Adding the Movies Repository18:00 - Working on a Service Locally40:00 - Deploying with docker-compose.yml51:00 - Preview Environments & GitHub Actions40:00 - Develop on Okteto Buttonš„ About the GuestsRamiro Berrelleza Ramiro Berrelleza is one of the founders of Okteto. He has spent most of his career (and his free time) building cloud services and developer tools. Before starting Okteto, Ramiro was an Architect at Atlassian and a Software Engineer at Microsoft Azure. Originally from Mexico, he currently lives in San Francisco.š¦ https://twitter.com/rberrellezaš§© https://github.com/rberrellezaš https://ramiroberrelleza.com/šØ About the TechnologiesOktetoOkteto allows you to develop inside a container. When you run okteto up your Kubernetes deployment is replaced by a development container that contains your development tools (e.g. maven and jdk, or npm, python, go compiler, debuggers, etc). This development container can be any docker image. The development container inherits the same secrets, configmaps, volumes or any other configuration value of the original Kubernetes deployment.š https://okteto.com/š¦ https://twitter.com/https://twitter.com/oktetohqš§© https://github.com/okteto/okteto