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Hands-on Introduction to Lens


In this episode, Edwards walks us through everything we need to know to get started with Lens, the Kubernetes IDE.

🍿 Rawkode Live

Hosted by David McKay / 🐦 https://twitter.com/rawkode
Website: https://rawkode.live
Discord Chat: https://rawkode.live/chat


🕰 Timeline

00:00 - Holding screen
01:12 - Introductions
04:55 - What is Lens: The Kubernetes IDE
45:20 - Sharing Cluster Access Through Spaces

👥 About the Guests

Edward Ionel

OSS Technology Enthusiast

🐦 https://twitter.com/IonelEdward
🧩 https://github.com/Eionel

🔨 About the Technologies


Lens is the only IDE you’ll ever need to take control of your Kubernetes clusters. It's built on open source and free.

🌏 https://k8slens.dev
🐦 https://twitter.com/k8slens
🧩 https://github.com/lensapp/lens