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Hands-on Introduction to cdk8s
In this episode, we'll learn everything we need to know to get started with cdk8sπΏ Rawkode LiveHosted by David McKay / π¦ https://twitter.com/rawkodeWebsite: https://rawkode.liveDiscord Chat: https://rawkode.live/chat#RawkodeLiveπ° Timeline00:00 - Holding screen00:50 - Introductions14:00 - Installing CDK8s24:20 - Introduction to Snapshot Testing28:20 - What are Apps and Charts?34:00 - Adding Our First Resource28:20 - What are Apps and Charts?47:00 - Introduction to CDK8s Plus54:30 - Working with Custom Resourcesπ₯ About the GuestsElad Ben-Israel I believe in software abstractions and I build the CDK at AWSπ¦ https://twitter.com/emeshbi𧩠https://github.com/eladbπ http://eladb.github.io/π¨ About the Technologiescdk8sCDK8sΒ is a software development framework for defining Kubernetes applications and reusable abstractions using familiar programming languages and rich object-oriented APIs. CDK8s generates pure Kubernetes YAML - you can use CDK8s to define applications for any Kubernetes cluster running anywhere.π https://cdk8s.io/𧩠https://github.com/cdk8s-team/cdk8s#Kubernetes #Infrastructure as Code