🚧 This platform open-source and is in early development. We welcome feature requests and pull requests! 🚀
Bootstrapping Bare Metal
Equinix Metal™ is an automated, interconnected, low-latency bare metal-as-a-service, that is available in global locations across Platform Equinix®. We enable digital businesses to more quickly be at the center of the customers, suppliers, and partners with whom they want to connect.🕰 Timeline00:00 - Introductions02:40 - Provisioning and bootstrapping a server with Ansible10:30 - Provisioning with Pulumi / bootstrapping with SaltStack14:30 - Confirming Ansible worked15:00 - Confirming SaltStack worked19:00 - Provisioning with Terraform / bootstrapping with cloud-init22:20 - Confirming more SaltStack28:20 - Confirming cloud-init🌎 ResourcesEquinix Metal - https://metal.equinix.com